Here’s a summary of what’s new in libvips 8.16. Check the ChangeLog if you need more details.

Signed Distance Fields

libvips has a new vips_sdf() operator. This can efficiently generate a range of basic shapes as Signed Distance Fields – these are images where each pixel contains a signed value giving the distance to the closest edge. For example:

$ vips sdf x.v 512 512 circle --r=200 --a="256 256"

Makes a 512 x 512 pixel float image of a circle with radius 200, centered on 256 x 256. As you move out and away from the edge, values become increasingly positive, as you move within the circle, values become negative.

SDF circle

The great thing about SDFs is that they are quick to make and very easy to combine to make more complex shapes. For example, you could write:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import pyvips

box = pyvips.Image.sdf(1000, 1000, "rounded-box",
                       a=[300, 400],
                       b=[700, 600],
                       corners=[100, 0, 0, 0])

circle = pyvips.Image.sdf(1000, 1000, "circle",
                          a=[500, 300],

line = pyvips.Image.sdf(1000, 1000, "line",
                        a=[500, 500],
                        b=[600, 900])

# union
sdf = box.minpair(circle).minpair(line)

# make annular
sdf = sdf.abs() - 15

# render as an antialiased image
sdf.clamp().linear(-255, 255, uchar=True).write_to_file(sys.argv[1])

To make:

SDF boat

Hmmm, possibly a person rowing a boat. This uses three other new operators: vips_minpair() and vips_maxpair(), which given a pair of images find the pixel-wise max and min, and vips_clamp(), which constrains pixels to a range.

SDFs fit really well with libvips on-demand-evaluation. These things never really exist, they are just chains of delayed computation, so you can make them any size, and compute them in parallel.

Up until now we’ve used SVG rendering to generate masks for large images. SDFs are a lot faster and need much less memory – as long as you only need simple shapes, they should be a great replacement.

Better file format support

File format support has been improved (again). Highlights this time are:

General improvements

There have been some smaller libvips additions and improvements too.

Plus some even more minor bugfixes and improvements.