nip4 is pretty much done! It now loads the two largest workspaces I have correctly. I’ll do a bit more polishing and aim for an alpha release with pre-compiled binaries for flatpak and Windows by the end of February.

Here’s the per-voxel Patlak workspace I made for analyzing pulmonary FDG-PET scans:

FDG-PET workspace

The About nip4 menu item shows some stats:

Workspace stats

So this workspace has:

Here’s the Charisma workspace:

Charisma workspace

This thing is for museum imaging: you give it images taken under visible, infrared, and UV light with various filters and it aligns them and computes a range of useful derivatives, such as Kubelka–Munk-modelled UV-induced visible fluorescence with stray visible light removal.

Looking at About nip4 for this one, it’s only 300 rows, but has 14,000 images and over 120 GB of image data. It runs in about 1.2 GB of ram, according to top.

Other additions

I’ve implemented some other features:

Recover after crash

nip4 saves your work after every change, and keeps the last 10 saves from each workspace. These save files are normally deleted automatically on exit, but if there’s a crash (sadly inevitable in alpha software) they’ll still be there when it restarts. Click on Recover after crash and you get this window:

Recover after crash

You can see the saves from each nip4 workspace and select one to recover it. The Delete all backups button wipes the temp area if it’s getting too big.

Drag-drop and copy-paste

You can now drag-drop and copy-paste images and workspaces from your desktop and file manager. This is very handy for things like screen snapshots. You can even set nip4 as the image handler for your desktop (!!!).

Workspace definitions

Each tab in each workspace can have private definitions. Right click on the workspace background and select Workspace definitions and a panel opens on the right with all the local definitions. You can edit them and press the Play button to process your changes and update everything.

Workspace definitions

Edit toolkits

Right-click on the workspace background, pick Edit toolkits and you get the programming window:

Programming window

You can edit and compile any of the built-in toolkits, though it’s a bit barebones for now.

Stop offscreen image renders

nip4 now tracks which thumbnails are visible and starts and stops rendering as you move around a workspace. This saves a lot of memory and CPU!